Web App 2024 ~ 2022

- Modeling Block -



Revit's built-in modeling tools, such as those for creating walls, structural frames, and symbols, do not support quick and continuous placement.
This limitation slows down the modeling workflow, especially for repetitive tasks involving similar design elements.


A custom tool is implemented to automate the creation of walls, structural frames, and symbols directly in the 3D view. This tool utilizes predefined floor slabs and gridlines as the foundation to automatically generate corresponding elements.

This automation drastically improves modeling efficiency by enabling the rapid and precise placement of elements, reducing the repetitive effort of manual positioning. The result is a streamlined workflow that allows users to maintain consistency and accuracy while saving significant time.

3a__Create Str Frame by Grids :

  1. Select the structural column's family type from the dropdown list.
  2. Select the structural frame's family type from the dropdown list.
  3. Press the "Run" button, then select floors on the canvas as a reference.
  4. Press the "Finish" button to start the generation process.


3b__Create Walls by Floor Contour :

  1. Select the wall type from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter the number of levels to extend upwards (use a negative value for downward extension).
  3. Specify the offset distance in millimeters (mm).
  4. Press the "Run" button, select the floor to start the generation process.


3c__Add Void Symbol to Floor :

  1. Check radio buttons to choose between the 2D symbol or 3D model line mode.
  2. Check radio buttons to select a desired void symbol.
  3. Enter the offest value and tweaking ratios for adjustment if needed.
  4. Select the target floors to place the void symbol, then press "Finish" button to confirm.


3cc__Cut Frame By Shaft Opening :

  1. Press the "Run" button to select structural frames and void elements on the canvas.
  2. Press the "Finish" button to confirm, the tool will automatically cut off redundant frame parts based on the void's boundary.


3d__Update Room By Excel :

  1. left-click on the dropdown area to load a default room list from an Excel file (right-click to reload the file).
  2. The tool will automatically add empty rooms with names matching those in the Excel file and display preliminary classification results.


3dd__Update Door Tag :

  1. Press the "Run" button to automatically update room tags if the room names match the default names from the Excel file.
  2. The tool will also synchronize door tags to update located room information.
