- Layout Block -
Similar to the Annotation Tool, Revit's built-in Sheet Tool is limited, as it:
Allows placement of only generate a single view or put onto a sheet per operation .
Lacks a streamlined process for creating and organizing multiple views and layouts efficiently, which is time-intensive for projects requiring extensive documentation.
A custom automated layout management tool resolves these issues by:
Batch View Creation: Automatically generating various types of views, including plans, elevations, and sections, based on project data.
Initial Sheet Layout: Automatically arranging the newly created views onto sheets with a preliminary layout.
Customizable Adjustments: Allowing users to fine-tune the layout to meet specific requirements.
This solution significantly reduces manual input, enhances productivity, and provides a solid starting point for efficient documentation in Revit.
7b__Create Wall Section By Scope Box :
- Place a scope box on the plan view. Ensure the rotation marker of the scope box is oriented outward.
- Adjust the settings of "sheet name", "number of the sections to create", "base level" and "top level".
- Press the "Run" button, a level list will be generated based on the selected base level and top level.
- Choose the levels in the list for generating plan views.
- Press the "Run" button again to start the generation process.
7bb__Unbind ViewPlan From Scope Box :
- Press the "Run" button, then select the bound (locked) viewports.
- Press the "Finish" the button to confirm.
- The tool will automatically unbind the selected plan views from the scope box, allowing manual rotation of the view.
7c__Create Elevations By Walls :
- Adjust the settings of "sheet number", "sheet name", "symbol offest" and "view depth" in millimeters (mm).
- Press the "Run" button, then select the desired walls in the current plan view. Press the "Finish" to confirm.
- The tool will automatically generate partial elevation views and a simplified key legend.
7d__Create Section By Grid :
- Draw a multi-segment gridline as a reference polyline.
- Adjust the settings for scale, offest and view depth in millimeters (mm).
- Choose the desired base level and top level from the dropdown list.
- Choose the desired section marker type from the dropdown list.
- Press the "Run" button, then select the previously drawn gridline to start the generation process.
- The tool will automatically generate partial sections, use the adjust buttons to modify the order or orientation if needed.
7e__Create Room Plan By Flat Type :
- Enter the sheet number and sheet name for the new plan.
- Press the "Run" button, then select the base levels from the generated list to create the new plan.
- Press the "Run" button again to start the generation process.
7ee__Create Window Legend by Room :
- In newly created view sheet, press the "Run" button to generate window legends for each room plan.
7f__Create Area Plan by Room :
- Choose the desired area type from the dropdown list.
- Enter the parameter name (boolean type) for filtering the rooms.
- Select the base levels for the new area plan.
- Press the "Run" button to create a new area plan and new areas based on the filtered rooms.
Optional, Check "draw outline" option to generate the outer boundary.
Alternatively, create an area plan by specific room names.