Web App 2024 ~ 2022

- Navigation Block -



Revit's built-in filtering functionality is inefficient, requiring users to first select all objects in the model before applying filters. This process is time-consuming and cumbersome, especially for large and complex models.


A custom tool is implemented to optimize the filtering process by pre-defining the objects to be filtered using a text-based list. When the tool is run, it selects only the relevant objects directly, eliminating the need to select all elements beforehand.

1a__Select By Category :

1. Toggle the checkbox to select the desired category.

2. The selection mode will be automatically activated.

3. Only the checked categories will be selected. Press the "Finish" button to confirm your selection.


1b__Select By SubCategory :

1. A subcategory list will be generated once one or more categories are checked in [1a].

2. Toggle the checkbox next to the desired subcategory to activate subcategory selection mode.

3. Only the checked subcategories will be selected. Press the "Finish" button to confirm your selection.


1c__Select By Type :

1. A type list will be created after one or more subcategories are checked in [1b].

2. Toggle the checkbox next to the desired type to activate type selection mode.

3. Only the checked types will be selected. Press the "Finish" button to confirm your selection.


Alternately, Execute Prefilter Tool via Ribbon Panel and Keyboard Shortcut :

